Monday 15 October 2012

Week 5... Textiles... Textile Artists

From the library i quickly researched several textile artists to get a overall idea about the different specialisms within textiles:-

Katrina Thompson 

I particularly like her work because of the detail and repetitive nature of  her pieces, like the piece above which i think is quite unusual and rugged, yet you can see the thought and detail that has gone into the creative process.

Sue Rangeley

I really appreciate the way that she uses bright and contrasting colours, as i think that it catches the viewers eye extremely well. I also like the exclusiveness of herf pieces as well as the practical element of a garment.

Like the image above, where Rangeley has created what looks like quite a rugged effect and yet you can tell that a lot of time and effort has been put into the process of making the garment.

Michael Brennand Wood

The particular reason that Wood's work caught my eye is the way that his work is cluttered and yet simple, and instantly recognisable by its unique style.

I also admire the way he uses bright, contrasting, yet, effective colours and colour schemes, and i think they often set the mood/ tone/ setting in his work.

Finally i like the way that Wood creates both 2D and 3D work throughout his career.

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