Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week 4... Photography... Richard Avedon

A short look at Richard Avedon...

Avedon's photography, in my opinion is cleaver and sophisticated however, there is always an amazing degree of elegance in his work. Take the above photograph, for example, I admire the way he has captured the movement of the woman's hair and how he has caught the different tones within the image and yet, there is still the face which stands out the most.

 I  particularly like the fact that he creates strong messages in his photographs, like the above, which depicts a famous contralto singer, captured in the moment where her eyes are closed to bring the viewers attention to the mouth. I think that Avedon's work hold a lot of originality, one photo that i think that particularly shows this is the one below depicting Audrey Hepurn.

In this image i like the way he has combined images with silhouettes to create a very abstract yet somehow, meaningful image. I think his use of contrast between light and dark here focuses the viewers attention more on the intended parts of the image. I also think that tghe way he has captured the light throughout his work is beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Three really well chosen photographers, like you I am slightly in awe of Carrie May Weems such a good artist. You write really well about the images very personal and thoughtful.By the way one image from each artist would have been enough, but I'm really glad you did more.
