Friday 5 October 2012

Photography Life Drawing..

Drawing with a torch in the darkened photography studio, Above we stood in a line and the people behind us drew around us. T create this effect on the camera we used the 'B' setting on the shutter speed and held it down for thirty Seconds.

 Here we scribbled with the torch behind the models, i really like the different ranges of colours and the reflection on the floor.

Here is my individual image where my model stood under the light behind the camera so i could draw her from life, i really like the flowing lines and exaggerated shapes in this image.

The above image was where five people stood in a line and we all drew one person each, mine was on the left.

Like the one before this image was done in a similar way, however i used more colour here (left).
I really enjoyed the production of these images and i like the way that they turned out in the end.

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