Wednesday 3 October 2012

Carrie May Weems

A short study of Carrie May Weems' work...

One of the many reasons that Carrie May Weems' photography caught my eye is the fact that she 'tells a story' with her imagery, often creating series' of work on what i consider to be quite controversial subject matter, like racism and sexism.

The above photograph is from a series called 'Louisiana Project'. I particularly like this image because of the way she has captured the flowing movement of her skirt without it appearing to be blurred, I also like the fact that she focuses on the surroundings as much as the model in many of her photographs. Another aspect that i like is the way that, in most of her photos, she herself is hidden within the image, putting a stamp on her own work.

I think that many of her photographs depict emotions extremely well, one example of this is the below image from her 'Kitchen Table' series:-

Using the above photograph as an example, I think Weems depicts emotions in highly thought out, yet extremely simple ways throughout her imagery.  I also admire the fact that she adds captions to her images to drive home the message behind a series of photographs, for example the image below from the series 'Ain't Jokin'' :-

Here she has used the most controversial subject matter of all, racism. Overall, I admire Carrie May Weems' work for its originality, storytelling and highly thought out composition.

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