Monday 15 October 2012

Annie Leibovitz

A short study of Annie Leibovitz' photography:-

The main thing that caught my eye about Leibovitz' photography is the way that they are highly thought through and executed, compositionally and  in the way that she contrasts dark and light. For instance this is shown in the image below where the ravine/ cliff shows just a tiny peek of the stucture behind, yet, that peek shows just enough of the structure to make the image appear intriguing and compositionally sound.

I also quite like the way that she creates a stereotype and description to the object / model of her photography. I think the below image is a prime example of this in the way that she has captured the dancers in strong, linear yet graceful poses much like the stereotype for the male dancer.

I also admire how she has created contradiction in the above image, by capturing what appears to be a strong, linear male in what could be seen as a decidedly female position. 


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