Thursday 4 October 2012

Julia Margaret Cameron

A short look at Julia Maragret Cameron's Photography...

Cameron's work is portrait based. The thing that caught my eye about her work first of all is the way that she captures emotion and innocence, like in the image below:-

I also quite like the tinting of colour she adds to some of her photographs, as i think it adds a sence of calm and sereeness to the images. I think her use of liting is eceptional, and that, in most of her images, can mean the difference between highly contrasting emotional depictions and effects. An example of this is the portrait below:-

I like the fact that the majority of her work is given over to one continuous theme of depicting the models in her photographs as devine, angelic, holy and innocent beings. One final thing that i find to be eceptional in her photography is the way that she captures interaction between people and the subtle underlying messages that are present throughout.

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