Thursday 4 October 2012

Andre Kertesz

A short look at Andre Kertesz's work...

Kertesz's photography, in my opinion, could be seen in two different lights. It could be seen as both abstract and unusual, yet it encorporates an aspect of realism/ juxtaposition too. One example of this could be the following image:-

The first thing that cought my eye about this image was the arm, which at a glance, looks like it appears fromthe fan, However after looking closer i realised that there was a hidden concept within his photograph, of a man trying to get fresh air and yet instead of letting the fan do the work he does it himself. I find this both interesting and unusual.
I like the way he captures the surroundings in his photographs, using the following as an example:-
One particular part of this image that caught my eye is the lighting in the photograph, but also the way that the boy is sitting and studying with a gorgeous view out the window, again, portrays an aspect of looking at things the way that they are.
I also like that Kertesz's work is very stereotypical and covers a wide variety of controvercialities, like the image below which i think is quite sexist:-

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