Monday 15 October 2012

John Blakemore

A short study of John Blakemore's photography...

The main reason i was drawn to John Blakemore and his photography was the way in which he photographs nature and his surroundings...  

In the image above i particularly like the way he hasn't remotely tried to capture the entirety of the forest, but just a snapshot that brings across the atmosphere extremely well. I also admire his use of contrast to bring out the image and the way it is compostionally positioned within the space.

I like the above image because of its slightly abstract nature, where you cant tell what the focus of the image is, yet it doesn't matter because it is still aesthetically pleasing because of the contrast in colour and its interesting shape.

One point i learned from his photography is that an image could be of anything but the distinction between a good image and an exceptional image is all in the looking and listening within your surroundings.

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