Sunday 23 September 2012

Six More Graphic Designers... The library.

Using the college library I researched a range of graphic design books. However the two that I looked at more closely to find six more graphic designers that appealed to me were:

  • Women of Design
  • Graphic Design for the 21st Century

Here is my reflection on the designers that I found:

David Foldvari

Foldvari's work is much more graffiti based with most of his work containing only two colours (black and white), the reason that his work appeals to me so much is because, like his work above, he uses striking and often controvercial imagery with accents of colour to make hi images come alive.

Francois Chalet

Chalet's work is highly computer, animation based with characters that express emotion through actions. His work appeals to me beacuse of the way he uses colour to interpret emotions, like in the cartoon image of his above, the message of the image is not straightforward or apparent leaving the onlooker puzzling over what is happening. This way you can come to your own conclusion about the work itself.

Buro Fur Form

Form's work tends to use very bright and contrasting 'blocks' of colour to create images that often contrast with the slim, sleek text as on display above... The main reason that i was drawn to Buro Fur Form's work was because of the stark and bright colours and the flow of the overall piece.

Phillippe Apeloig

Apeloig's work is mainly in the Typography area of Graphic Design, I was drawn to his work mainly because of the unusual style and boldness of the colours used to accent the background of his work, (as displayed above).

Peter Anderson

Anderson is another Typography based graphic designer. The majority of his work is done using one accent colour, like the piece above. I was drawn to his work because of the unususal style in which he lins text and image together to create something that is not only aetheticlly pleasing but also leaves the viewer puzzling about the well obscured meaning to the piece.

Paul Smith

Smith's work is quite art deco and retro, he is most famous for his line pieces (above). The reason i was drawn to him in particular was that although his work could be described as boring, there is a aura about hi work. Also i like the way he uses colour to create a flowing and striking piece of art.

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