Sunday 23 September 2012

Graphic Design Final Outcomes and Reflection

After a week of research, planning and creating i managed to create four final outcomes:


The purpose of this piece was to be calm and 'flow', however, i think that i relied too heavily on image. In my opinion the overall piece was too literal, i think i spent too little time on this pice and the colour of the writing is too harsh. Another reason i do not like the piece is that the Typography is extremely pixelated and it does not fit well with the rest of the image.

The purpose of this piece was to show the boldness and the electric side to the word. I think i accomplished that quite well and i didnt brely too much on image, only scanning in collages and sketches that i created myself.
The purpode of this piece is to bring forth the travelling and leaving behind side of the word, shown by use of the pebbles and feather. I think that even though i relied heavily on imagery to get the poin across i still like this piece because of its simplicity and aesthetically pleasing qualities.
The purpose of this piece was to show the literal sence of the word without being too literal. I like the end product of this piece because of the overall flowing nature of the image and the way it fits on the page. This image was simply a scanned in copy of a exploratory collage done in my sketchbook with typography added. The only aesthetic shortcoming i can find with this piece is that the typography could use  little more tweaking to perfect the overall image.
Reflection on Week 2:
After this past week of introduction to graphic design i often find myself stopping to look at pagackaging in the kitchen or a bottle of shampoo in the bathroom, and appreciating the work that went into the graphic design aspect of that partcular product. I think that from now on i will be more aware and make a concious effort to appreciate graphic design is every day life more.
I find that i have been greatly inspired over the past week by most of the work and some of the artists i have looked into and been introduced to. Perhaps i will be able to transferr this inspiration into my own artwork in the near future.
The one main discipline i have found most interesting over the las week is Typography. This is because of the wide variety and compatibitlity in which typography is used. You often see it every day and it can effect your moods and intentions simply through visualisation.
I think there is a possibilty that i could be swayed in the direction of graphic design as a specialist subject, however, i feel that it is considerably too early to tell for definate.

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