Wednesday 19 September 2012

Applied arts... (Ceramics)

On friday i was introduced to several different types of  clay:

These are white clay, earthenware and stoneware clay. They all must be fired at different temperatures according to their makeup. I looked at a hand building technique called pinching:

I made this pod by patting out a ball of clay and slowly pinching aroung the ball with my thumb and index finger to hollow out and stretch the clay into a pot like shape. I slightly dislike this outcome because it is quite primitive and dirty. Next i visited the library and found an interesting applie arts technique for vases called 'Jack in the Pulpet'...

I particularly like this method because of the unusual shape of the rim of the vase and thought i could use this in my work. I also looked into the work of John O'Brien...

I find his ceramic work very aesthetically pleasing because of his use of bright bold clours, but with subtle design work. I though i could use both of these examples as inspiration for my own design. I made some design sketches before creating a rough prototype of my final design...

I used smooth clay and the pinching method to create this prototype, i like this example because it is quite flowing an simplistic.


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