Monday 12 November 2012

Fine art theory... Questions 1 to 5

Question 2: The sensation exhibition was in the Saatchi gallery, I think that the venue was not surprising because the Saatchi gallery usually displays the work of up and coming ant yet well established artists. I think that the exhibitor that continues to fascinate me is Damien Hurst because of the way that he has revolutionised and questioned what it means to create art.
Question 3: The Bauhaus and Black Mountain colleges were both institutional buildings which taught contemporary interior design. These two colleges could have influenced current education because one of their principals was that a student learned better through personal experience than through delivered knowledge.
Question 4: NVA is a public arts charity that shows contemporary exhibitions. Yesyesno is a specialist interactive company that make large contemporary installations. Both of these recently put on exhibitions around ‘light’. I feel that making art as part of a consortium/group is sort of like the concept of having an ongoing theme throughout your work and can often provide a purpose to the work.
Question 5: Fiona Rae, Howard Hodgkin, Gary Hume, George Shaw, Dexter Dalwood, Tomma Abts, Chris Ofili and Sean Scully all won the turner prize. If I had to single out one artist from the above list as my favourite it would be Chris Ofili because of his large  stlye and the fact that everything is slightly messy and out of proportion.

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