Monday 12 November 2012

Fine art theory... Questions 1 to 5

Question 2: The sensation exhibition was in the Saatchi gallery, I think that the venue was not surprising because the Saatchi gallery usually displays the work of up and coming ant yet well established artists. I think that the exhibitor that continues to fascinate me is Damien Hurst because of the way that he has revolutionised and questioned what it means to create art.
Question 3: The Bauhaus and Black Mountain colleges were both institutional buildings which taught contemporary interior design. These two colleges could have influenced current education because one of their principals was that a student learned better through personal experience than through delivered knowledge.
Question 4: NVA is a public arts charity that shows contemporary exhibitions. Yesyesno is a specialist interactive company that make large contemporary installations. Both of these recently put on exhibitions around ‘light’. I feel that making art as part of a consortium/group is sort of like the concept of having an ongoing theme throughout your work and can often provide a purpose to the work.
Question 5: Fiona Rae, Howard Hodgkin, Gary Hume, George Shaw, Dexter Dalwood, Tomma Abts, Chris Ofili and Sean Scully all won the turner prize. If I had to single out one artist from the above list as my favourite it would be Chris Ofili because of his large  stlye and the fact that everything is slightly messy and out of proportion.

Week 8... Fine art

These are the final painting for my fine art week. i looked at colour, composition, line, texture and aesthetics as well as hidden meaning and juxtaposition. I particularly liked these because of the different ways that i worked.

I used the projector, painted around shaped and sometimes even dribbled with ink...

I also liked the idea of mixing the paint on the canvas to achieve and interesting array of marks.

Final drawings and 3D pieces

I looked at distorting the shape by cuttingt holes into the folded and allready unusually shaped sculpture.

These line drawings were particularly difficult but a good kill to hone for defining shapes. (made from ink dipped in card.)

Week 7... 3D... Designers

walter gropius

 Gropius is a furniture designer from the bauhaus in germany. I particularly like the clean cut modern feel to his designs. even though they were produced decades ago they are still in fashion today.

Ingo Maurer

Maurer is a practical installation designer. I particularly like his work with lights and the way he brings an aspect of the surreal into his work here, with the wings.

Saturday 10 November 2012

3D Paper Garment

I took a pattern pive from a garment, a sleeve, and cut it up, drew around it and played with different methods of folding...

I came up with many alternatives but i preferred the above shape the best...

With this small maquette i played around with different ways to attatch it to the figure:

After deciding on a position i liked i then photocopie the template as big as the paper would allow to attatch it to the figure for the final prototype...

I then created a series of illustrations, originally using ink on tracing paper,befor then going on to collage using photocopies drawing and folded paper/ magazine clippings.

 My work was chosen to be displayed in the exhibition for the open day, both my 3D piece and my illustrations:

Simon Chang

Simon Chang is a canadian womenswear designer, here are two of his garments that i admire most...

Above: Coat/Poncho
stark, angular lines
grey fleece material
button up front
informal wear
simple clean lines but effective look
hidden seems
tribal cultural look

Above: dress
sweetheart neckline
worn for easthetics not comfort
formal wear
black slimlone clolours

Week 6... Fashion... Yoshio Kubo

Yoshio Kubo is a fashion designer who caught my eye because of his interesting and quite different style of menswear... Here are two garments that i particularly admire:

Left, Poncho,                                                                   Right, coat
turtle neck                                                                        button and zip up
front zip,                                                                          multifunctional
tribal menswear                                                               comfort and practicality
alternating blue and purple v shaped bodice                   nylon
informal wear                                                                  informal wear
worn for warmness and comfort                                     waterproof material
fleece material                                                                

Textiles Final Pieces

The above images are of my final piece for the textiles teaster session... this is how i got to the decision of colour... composition... and materials...

I created various monoprints of my final three designs and played around with colour an marks.

Above are the images of my final colour and compostioinal studies, i looked at using thickness of line and the placement of colour and a theme of colour to bring out the images.

This was one of the first studies idid from life, here iworked out the basic colour schemeof my piece.

Above are the studies that i concentrated the monoprints on.